Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2020/106
Applications are invited for one temporary post of Junior Research Fellow, for the project titled: "Turbulent Jet Manipulation Using Unsteady Injection" funded by SERB. The post requires to design, fabrication and commission of the experimental setup, perform experiments, analyse the data and write scientific documents/manuscripts and making presentations.
No. of Posts: 01 (Temporary and contractual.)
Salary: Consolidate Rs. 31,000/- + HRA as per the institute norms.
Minimum Qualification: Master of Technology/Engineering in Aerospace Engineering with specialization in Aerodynamics or Master of Technology/Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Fluid Sciences or Master of Science in Aerospace, and Applied Mechanics or B. Tech in Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering with a valid GATE score.
Desirable Experience: Good knowledge of experimental techniques, such as Hot-wire Anemometry, PIV, and Pressure sensors. Experience on commissioning an experimental setup for jet studies. Knowledge on Actuators and Signal Processing. Knowledge and experience on Supersonic flow/Jets, Shadowgraph/Schilieren Techniques and High Speed Imaging. LabVIEW programming for synchronization and data acquisition, MATLAB programming for post processing, Experience with mentoring graduate students.
The selection may be based on Zoom/Skype online interview. Shortlisted candidate will be informed with an email about the date of interview.
Interested candidates may apply on email giving their detailed CV including the details of complete professional/academic record (attach copies of certificates) and work experience to the undersigned with the Subject: "Junior Research Fellow - Turbulent Jet Manipulation Using Unsteady Injection" before June 20, 2020.
It is mandatory to mention your mobile number in the application.
Dr. Arun Kumar P
Assistant Professor,
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur-208016. Uttar Pradesh
Email: [email protected] Phone: 0512-2592155