Department of Civil Engineering

Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2024/304

Applications from highly motivated young persons are invited for one temporary project position as per the details given below:

Name of Post: SRF

Number of posts: One

Project Title: “Development of an advanced pore-scale model for predicting unsaturated soil response” Project no: SERB /CE /2022539

Minimum Qualification:

SRF: M.Tech/M.Sc. (Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Earth Science, Geology, Mechanical Engineering) + 2 years of post-B.Tech research experience.

Desirable Qualification: Candidate having

  • experience in micro CT image processing,
  • experience in handling Mercury Intrusion Porosimeters,
  • experience in writing scripts in MATLAB/python,
  • knowledge of clay mineralogy and unsaturated soil mechanics
  • knowledge of analyzing multiphase flow through porous media

Nature of Work: The first part of the work involves imaging of clayey soil to capture the pore structure under both dry and wet condition. Once the pore structure is extracted, multiphase flow simulation needs to be carried out through numerical modeling.

Salary: Rs. 42,000/- (consolidated)

Last date for application: 17/02/2025

The post is purely temporary, and is for duration of one year and may be extended depending on the requirement. If shortlisted, copies of relevant certificates will be required, and will be checked against original certificates at the time of interview.

Only short-listed applicants will be called for an online interview (by the end of February 2025). Applicants who do not meet the minimum qualification, and research experience in at least two of the areas in desirable qualification will not be called for the interview. No TA/DA will be provided to attend the interview.

Applications along with CV on a plain paper (or by email) should be submitted to the undersigned latest by February 17, 2025. Please highlight your specific skill and experience relevant to the advertised position.

Applications will be sent to
Dr. Arghya Das
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India - 208 016
Email: [email protected]

Tel. 0512 -2596978