Department of Chemistry

Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2019/237

Applications are invited for the temporary post of a Research Associate (RA-I) ina CSIR sponsored project entitled “Chemical Dynamics in Enzyme-Water Systemsthrough Quantum-Classical and Biased Simulations” at Department of Chemistry, IITKanpur, under the supervision of Dr. Amalendu Chandra.

Qualifications: Chemistry. The Ph.D. thesis should have been in the areaof theoretical/computational chemistry involving quantum chemical and/or molecularsimulation techniques. Also, the candidate should have research publications of his/herwork on quantum chemical and/or molecular simulations of chemical and biologicalsystems in reputed journals

Age limit: The candidate should be below 35 years as on July 31, 2019. A smallrelaxation in age limit may be considered, in the case of applicants who are suitablyqualified and experienced, on the recommendations of the selection committee. Theupper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduledcastes/tribes/OBC, women and physically handicapped candidates.

Salary: Initial consolidated salary will be Rs. 47,000 per month subject to incrementin the second year as per CSIR norms.

Applications on plain paper or through e-mail giving details of the educational qual-ifications, Ph.D. thesis and research experience should reach the following address onor before July 31, 2019. The appointment will be initially for one year or for the du-ration of the project (till May 31, 2021) as recommended by the Selection Committeeand approved by CSIR. The candidate should also request his/her PhD adviser (orresearch collaborator) to send a reference letter to the undersigned latest by July 31,2019. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Dr. Amalendu Chandra
Department of Chemistry
IIT Kanpur 208016
E-mail: [email protected]