Centre for Nanoscience

Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2020/210

Application is invited for the post of "Project Scientist" in Centre for Nanoscience Department, IIT Kanpur. The Post is temporary and on contractual basis for a period of one year. The period may be extended based on performance and requirement.

Name of the Post: Project Scientist

Nature of the work: Candidate will be responsible for operation of scientific equipment like NSOM/RAMAN spectroscopy, Optical Profiler, FESEM, Ellipsometer.

Number of Posts: One

Essential Qualification: P.hD. or M.Sc. + 3 years Relevant Exp.

Desirable Qualification: Preference would be given to candidates with PhD degree having relevant research experience and possesses working knowledge of all the lab equipment like Raman Microscopy (Imaging), DLS/Zeta, SEM/EDX, AFM, Optical microscope, Profilometery, Maskless Lithography system, Imaging Ellipsometer, Spin Coater, Plasma Cleaner, UV-Ozone chamber and contact angle goniometer. Applicant should have 10 years of working experience in a research lab having clean lab 10000 facility is must for applying for the post.

Scale of pay: Rs. 26400-2200-66000

The institute reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short-listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualification and experience. Only shortlisted candidate will be called for interview. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.

Application Deadline and Postal Address:

Kindly mail your application along with resume to Mr Prashant Awasthi at [email protected] latest by 09th Oct 2020.

Post applied for and advertisement number should be clearly mentioned in the Subject of the mail, otherwise your application will not be entertained.

Prof. Sri Sivakumar
Center for Nanosciences
IIT Kanpur

The selection will be based on Zoom/Skype online interview. Short listed candidates will be informed with an email about the date of interview.

Interested candidates may apply on email giving full details of qualifications, experience with copies of relevant certificates by October 09, 2020

It is mandatory to mention your mobile number in the application. Applications (soft copy) must be sent at following email address.