Electrical Engineering

Applications are invited for temporary or contractual post Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the project entitled “Study of electrodes in organic solar cell for efficiency and reliability improvement” at Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur funded by DST under Indo-Korean scheme

Minimum Qualification
MSc. in Science with NET Qualified + 2 Yrs of experience in JRF
B.Tech in Engineering with NET Qualified + 2 Yrs of experience in JRF

Desirable Qualification: At least a master’s degree in engineering or physical sciences with hands on experience with fabrication and characterization of organic devices such as thin film transistors, organic light emitting diodes, organic solar cells or organic sensors.

Essential Experience: Use of vacuum systems such as thermal evaporator for deposition of films, familiarity with the basics of operation and characterization of semiconductor diodes and transistors, familiarity with device characterization tools such as source measuring unit (SMU) and/or parametric analysers.

Desirable Experience:Use and handling of glove boxes, device processing equipment and knowledge of material characterisation equipment.

Salary: Rs. 28000/- (+ 20 % HRA payable if staying outside the IIT Kanpur campus)

Duration of appointment: Eight Months

No. of positions: one

Application giving full details of qualification and experience with copies of relevant certificates and contact details of at least two references may be submitted in sealed envelope by 07th November, 2017 addressed to:


Room No. 305,
Samtel Centre for Display Technologies
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208 016 UP,
Phone No: +91-512-2596622
or email at [email protected]


(S.Sundar Kumar Iyer)