Department of Earth Sciences

Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2022/017

Indian Institute of technology invites applications for the position of Project Scientist.

The appointment is purely contractual, and duration of contract is 11 months.

Project Scientist

No. of Posts: 01

Salary Range: 22000-2200-44000

Duration: 11 months

Minimum Qualification: PhD or M.Sc. + 3 year of relevant exp.

Desirable Qualification: Experience with rock magnetism and/or impact cratering.

Job Profile:

  • Experience with magnetic fabrics
  • Knowledge of magnetic mineralogy

Interested candidates may send a detailed CV with certificates of educational qualification and experience by 28th January 2022 on the bellow mentioned address or by email at [email protected].

The envelop containing complete application should be superscribed as "Application for the post of project scientist" Advt. No. P.Rect./R&D/2022/017 to Amar Agarwal, Department of Earth Sciences, Wester Lab Extension, Room no. 202, IIT Kanpur-208016 (U.P.)

Once shortlisted the candidates will be interviewed through an online medium.

Asst. Prof. Amar Agarwal
Department of Earth Sciences