Department of Industrial and Management Engineering

Applications are invited for the positions of Senior Project Engineer for the project "Strengthening Regulatory Research & Network in the Power Sector". The Post is purely temporary and on contractual basis.

Minimum qualification, Desirable experience and other terms for the above post are

Minimum Qualifications:

1) Senior Project Engineer (01 Position): M. Tech. (CS/IT) + 3 years' experience in Database Expertise.

Desirable Experience: Large database development, deployment and maintenance. 

Term of Appointment: One Year (Further extension would depend on candidate's performance).

Salary Range:

1) Senior Project Engineer : Rs. 27000 - 2700 - 54000 PM Consolidated

(Higher starting salary may be considered for exceptionally qualified/experienced candidates as per IITK rules)

The interested candidates should drop a copy of their Biodata in the mailbox of undersigned at the Dept. of IME or through email ([email protected]) on or before 07 working days from the date of publishing the advertisement to the address given below.

Please note that no TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.


Dr. Anoop Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Industrial Management and Engineering
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208016
Email: [email protected]