Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2025/013
Title of the project:
Brain Computer Interface based hand exoskeleton for neurorehabilitation in
stroke patients: A randomized controlled phase II trial.
Project Position - Project Scientist (As per ICMR norms)
Reporting to - Dr. Ashish Dutta, Professor IIT Kanpur and Dr. Seema
Grover, Chief - Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, Indraprastha Apollo
Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi/ Dr. Gautam Kumar Saha, Senior Scientist AHERF.
Place of work: New Delhi - Apollo Hospitals Educational and Research
Foundation.- Level "-1", Administrative Block |Indraprastha Apollo
Hospitals | Sarita Vihar | Delhi-Mathura Road |New Delhi - 110076 |India|
ICMR funded Project of AHERF Delhi -IIT Kanpur as partner Institute,
candidate has to travel for training purposes to IIT Kanpur but will be
mainly stationed at New Delhi , Apollo Hospitals.
Prof Ashish Dutta from IITK will supervise the SPE candidate training and
asses work output in addition to PI and Co-PI.
Duration of the project: Fulltime (W.e.f March 2025-August 2026) in Delhi
Salary expected (as per ICMR norms) = @Rs 56,000/- + 27% HRA = Rs 71,000/- p.m. (Scale Rs 31600-2600-78400/- )
Putting on the EEG cap, fixing electrodes, etc for stroke patients before physiotherapy.
- EEG, EMG, IMU signal acquisition, signal processing, and training the
model for each subject/participant parameter.
- operation of the hand exoskeleton and training the assist as required
Skills and expertise required:
Desirable Experience: Experience in Signal recording, processing and
analysis for EMG or EEG signals for neuroscience / cognitive science /
bio-robotics applications.
Educational Qualification:
M.Tech in Electrical/Electronics/Computer Science/
Mechanical/Mechatronics/ bioelectronics/ biomedical/ Robotics engineering
+ 3 yrs relevant experience.
Above qualifications with PhD and relevant experience
To apply, please submit your CV, cover letter, and all other documents to [email protected] with a CC to [email protected]
The last date for application will be 17th Feb 2025.