Applications are invited for one position of Project Engineer under the project entitled “Development of NASICON Framework Cathode for All-Solid-State Na-ion Battery”.
Minimum Qualifications: M.Tech. in Materials Science & Engineering
Desired Qualification: It is desired that the candidate should have a strong background in processing and structures of ceramics. At least M.Tech degree should be in materials engineering.
Experience/ Higher Qualification
- Candidate should have a strong ceramics background and hands on research experience in one or more of: Powder synthesis, Solid-state sintering, SEM/TEM characterization, and electrochemical testing of ceramic materials.
- The research profile under this project includes ionic conductivity measurement at high temperatures, charging-discharging study of batteries, crystal structure characterization using XRD & Raman spectroscopy, microstructural characterization (using optical microscopy, SEM and TEM) and compositional analysis using EPMA/EDXS.
- The candidate is expected to be self-driven for conducting research and publishing his/her work in high quality scientific journals and conferences.
- The candidate should have demonstrated verbal and writing skills in communicating results of his/her own research.
- A good background in mathematics is preferred.
- Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory.
Salary: INR. 24,200 per month. The position is temporary and maximum for one year.
Last Date for Application: Those interested must submit their application on plain paper with resume, list of 2 references (emails and phone numbers) and copies of professional academic record (marksheets/ certificates) to reach the undersigned latest by 12:00 noon on February 8th, 2018. Each of the above document is compulsory.
The applications can be sent via email to [email protected] with mandatory hard copies sent to the following address. Hard copies are must even though e-mail is sent.
The department reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience. Only short-listed candidates will accordingly be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Dr. Shobit Omar
412 Faculty Building
Materials Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, U.P. 208016. |