Announcement for a position of Project Scientist
Applications are invited for one position of Project Scientist under the project entitled “Development of NASICON Framework Cathode for All-Solid-State Na-ion Battery”.
Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering/Metallurgy/Ceramics/Chemical Engineering/Inorganic Chemistry or M.Sc. in Chemistry/Materials Science/Nanoscience and Technology (+ 3 years’ relevant experience)
Desired Qualification: It is desired that the candidate should have a strong background in processing and structures of ceramics.CSIR, NET, GATE qualifications
Experience/ Higher Qualification
- Candidate should have a strong ceramics background and hands on research experience in one or more of: Powder synthesis, Solid-state sintering, SEM/TEM characterization, and electrochemical testing of ceramic materials.
- The research profile under this project includes ionic conductivity measurement at high temperatures, charging-discharging study of batteries, crystal structure characterization using XRD & Raman spectroscopy, microstructural characterization (using optical microscopy, SEM and TEM) and compositional analysis using EPMA/EDXS.
- The candidate is expected to be self-driven for conducting research and publishing his/her work in high quality scientific journals and conferences.
- The candidate should have demonstrated verbal and writing skills in communicating results of his/her own research.
- A good background in mathematics is preferred.
- Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory.
Salary: INR. 26,400 per month. The appointment will be purely on temporary and contractual basis initially for a period of three years or end of the project, whichever is earlier. The same can be extended if required up to another two years or until the end of the project (whichever is earlier) on the recommendation of PI and approval of the DORD.
Last Date for Application: Those interested must submit their application on plain paper with resume, list of 2 references (emails and phone numbers) and copies of professional academic record (marksheets/ certificates) to reach the undersigned latest by 12:00 noon on April 27th, 2018. Each of the above document is compulsory.
The applications can be sent via email to [email protected] with hard copies sent to the following address.
The department reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience. Only short-listed candidates will accordingly be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Dr. Shobit Omar
412 Faculty Building
Materials Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, U.P. 208016.