Department of Material Science Engineering

Applications are invited for the following project positions which are purely temporary and contractual in nature. 

Post:  Senior Project Scientist (Two)

Project Title: Model based optimization tool (EAF-OPT) for enhancing energy efficiency, productivity and yield of electric arc furnaces. (MHRD/MET/2016408F)

Qualification: Ph.D (Metallurgical Engg./Materials Engg./ Materials Science Engg./ Mechanical Engg./ Chemical Engg.) + 2 years' experience.

Desirable: Working knowledge of computational fluid dynamics tools/ modeling of thermal/ chemical systems/ process modelling of metallurgical operations or/ pyrometallurgical experiments/ experimental fluid dynamics and heat transfer.

Duration of appointment: 1 Year

Salary Range: 27000-2700-54000

The institute reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates. Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the test/ interview.

Send your Latest CV to [email protected] Last date for application is 12 January 2018


Prof. Amarendra Kumar Singh
Materials Science and Engineering, 
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 
Kanpur, U.P., 208016