Departement of Materials Science and Engineering

Advertisement for the post of Project Engineer

Applications are invited for the following project position which is purely temporary in nature. Applicants can apply through post on plain paper giving details of educational qualification and experience.

Post: Project Engineer (one)

Project Title: “Optimization of Aluminium Steel Composite Material (ASCM)

Qualification: M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering. (M.Tech in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology areas may be considered based on other requirements).

Minimum percentage marks: 70% in M.Tech & 60% in B.Tech. If the candidate has done B.Sc and M.Sc. before M.Tech. then 60% marks are a minimum requirement at these levels.

Essential Experience/ Higher Qualification

  1. Knowledge of finite element modeling. Experience in use of Abaqus and/or Ansys (or equivalent) finite element software.
  2. Experience in the use of CAD software.
  3. The candidate is expected to be self-driven for conducting research and publishing his/her work in high quality scientific journals and conferences.
  4. The candidate should have demonstrated verbal and writing skills in communicating results of his/her own research.
  5. Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory.

Duration of appointment: 10 months.

Salary: A consolidated salary of Rs. 37,400 per month will be paid.

Interested candidates may apply by 28 August, 2017 giving: (i) complete information regarding educational qualifications indicating year of passing, percentage of marks/division, (ii) complete details of relevant working experience & (iii) career goals.
No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the interview. For outstation candidates Interview may be conducted via phone.

Applications should be submitted to (by email, which should reach by 5 pm 31 Aug 2017):

Dr. Anandh Subramaniam
Materials Science and Engineering,
IIT Kanpur - 208016 (U.P.) India
Email address for application: [email protected], with cc to [email protected]