Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2020/153
A position is available for the post of Project Associate in the research group SPACE (see for details) of Dr. Supratik Banerjee, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. The appointment will be against a DST INSPIRE grant (DST/PHY/2017514) funded position with a fixed term ending 2023. A provisional appointment will be offered to the selected candidate for a period of three months that may be extended maximum to two years upon satisfactory performance.
Responsibilities: To conduct extensive data analysis and eventual numerical simulations to study the energy transfer, anisotropy and universality in sub-ion scale solar wind turbulence mainly as a function of solar activity, heliospheric distances etc.
Salary Range: 18000-25000 INR per month
Minimum Eligibility Criteria: B. Tech/M.Sc./MS in Physics, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical engineering. Experience of data analysis (at least one semester project) in IDL/ MATLAB/Python is required. Basic knowledges on turbulence, power spectra, Fourier and wavelet transform and numerical simulation are preferred.
Mode of Application and Selection:The selection will be based on skype online interview. Shortlisted candidates will be informed with an email about the date of interview. Interested candidates may apply through email giving full details of qualification, experience with copies of relevant certificates by 27th July 2020. It is mandatory to mention your mobile number in the application. Application (soft copy) must be sent to [email protected] and to [email protected].