Department of Physics

Applications are invited for the post of Project Scientist (Post-doctoral scientist) in a DRDO project entitled “SPECTRALLY SELECTIVE METAMATERIALS WITH PROTECTIVE TOP COAT”. The position is tenable until 29-05-2018. The post is purely temporary and on contractual basis. The project associate will conduct literature search and experimental research on infra-red materials for metamaterial development. An extensive literature search will need to be conducted. 

Essential qualifications: Ph.D. (Physics/Materials Science/ Electronics & Electrical engineering) whose work essentially involved micro- and nano-structuring/ processing or multi-layer thin film technology. Familiarity with micro- and nano-characterization tools is necessary.

Salary will be in the scale 22000-2200-44000.

Applications on plain paper, with the curriculum vitae and two professional references (mandatory), should be sent to the undersigned by 29 June 2017. Original signed applications should be sent to the undersigned. References should be directly sent by email by the referees from their official email addresses.

Prof. S. Anantha Ramakrishna
Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0512-259 7449, 6601