![]() Courses with significant overlap with this course: Semester of last offering: Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy |
Prerequisites: Course Contents Role of constitutive modeling; Importance of laboratory testing with relation to constitutive modeling; Elasticity: linear, quasilinear, anisotropic; Plasticity basics: yield criteria, flow rule, plastic potential, hardening/softening; Rate Independent Plasticity: Mohr Coulomb, nonlinear failure criteria, Ducker Prager, and cap models; Critical state soil mechanics: critical state concept, cam clay models, simulation of single element test using cam clay, consolidation, drained and un drained tri-axial test; Stress dilatancy theory; Work hardening plasticity theory: formulation and implementation; Applications of elastoplastic models; Special Topics: hypo-elasticity plasticity, disturbed state concept.
Number of sections: Tutors for each section: Schedule for Lectures: Schedule for Tutorial: Schedule for Labs: