1st list of awardees for Free Basic Mess (FBM) scholarship for the academic year 2024-25
4th list of awardees for Donor Scholarships for the academic year 2023-24
3rd list of awardees for Donor Scholarships for the year 2023-24
2nd list of awardees for Donor Scholarships for the year 2023-24
List of awardees for Sports Scholarships for the year 2023-24
List of Awardees for 57th Convocation Awards 2024
List of Academic Excellence Awards 2022-23
List of Sports Prizes for 2023-24
1st List of Donor Scholarships for the academic year 2023-24
2nd Instalment under 1st List of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2023-24
2nd List of Free Basic Mess Scholarship for the academic year 2023-24
2nd List of Academic Excellence Awards for the academic year 2022-23
2nd List of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2023-24
1st List of Inspire Scholarship for the academic year 2023-24
1st List of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2023-24
1st List of FBM Scholarship for the academic year 2023-24
Devi Best Paper Awards for the year 2022-23 (Donor Awards)
Result of 56th Convocation Awards
List of Sports Scholarships for the year 2022-23
2nd List of Donor Scholarships for the academic year 2022-23
2nd list of Academic Excellence Awards for the academic year 2021-22
1st List of Donor Scholarships for the academic year 2022-23
2nd List of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2022-23
List of Academic Excellence Awards for the academic year 2021-22
2nd list of FBM scholarship for the academicm year 2022-23
2nd list of Inspire Scholarship for the academic year 2022-23
1st List of Inspire Scholarship for the academic year 2022-23
1st list of MCM scholarship for the academic year 2022-23
1st list of FBM scholarship for the academic year 2022-23
May Award for Engineering Excellence for the academic year 2020-21
MCM Scholarship
FBM Scholarship
Result of Awardees for 55th Convocation 2022
Prof. L.P. Singh Power System Research Award for 2021-22
List of Academic Excellence Awards for the academic year 2020-21
List of Sports Scholarships for the academic year 2021-22
3rd lsit of MCM Scholarships for the academic year 2021-22
2nd List of Donor Scholarships for the academic year 2021-22
1st List of Donor Scholarships for the academic year 2021-22
List of MCM Scholarship (2nd Semester) for the academic year 2021-22
2nd List of FBM Scholarship for the academic year 2021-22
2nd List of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2021-22
2nd List of Inspire Scholarship for the academic year 2021-22
List of Academic Excellence Awards for the academic year 2019-20
1st list of MCM scholarship for the academic year 2021-22
1st list of FBM scholarship for the academic year 2021-22
Prof. LP Singh Power System Research Award
Result of awardees for 54th Convocation - 2021
1st list of Inspire Scholarships for the academic year 2021-22
4th list of MCM Scholarships for the academic year 2020-21
1st list of Donor Scholarships for the academic year 2020-21
List of Sports Scholarships 2020-21
3rd list of MCM scholarship for the academic year 2020-21
2nd list of MCM scholarship for the academic year 2020-21
2nd list of FBM scholarship for the academic year 2020-21
1st list of MCM scholarship for the academic year 2020-21
1st list of FBM scholarship for the academic year 2020-21
Inspire Scholarship list for the academic year 2020-21
3rd list of Inspire 2019-20
3rd list of Donor Scholarships 2019-20
result of Convocation Awards 2020
Nomination Forms for Convocation 2020
2nd list of Donor Scholarships 2019-20
List of Sports Scholarships 2019-20
GOAL programme by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Facebook India Pvt. Ltd
List for Academic Excellence Awards for the academic year 2019-20
List for Sports Prizes for the academic year 2019-20
1st list of Donor Scholarship for the academic year 2019-20
3rd list of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2019-20
2nd list for FBM Scholarship for the academic year 2019-20
2nd list of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2019-20
1st list of MCM Scholarship for the academic year 2019-20
List for Inspire Scholarship for the academic year 2019-20
1st list for FBM Scholarship for the academic year 2019-20
List for Class of 1968 Project Proposal Prize and Scholarship for 2018-19
Panasonic is providing the scholarship to IIT (2019-2023) aspirants
Third lists of MCM
Third lists of Donor Scholarships
List of Sports Prizes for 2018-19
Academic Excellence Awards ceremony held on 15th March
list of Academic Excellence Awards for the year 2017-18
Second list_FBM Scholarship_2018-19
Second list_MCM Scholarship_2018-19
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship
First list_MCM Scholarship_2018-19
First list_DONOR Scholarship_2018-19
First list_INSPIRE Scholarship_2018-19
First list_FBM Scholarship_2018-19
INSPIRE Scholarship Form 2018-19
DONOR Scholarship Application Form AY-2018-19
List of DONOR Scholarship 1st Call 2018-19
MCM Application Form AY 2018-19
FBM Scholarship Form (2018-19)
Final List of Awardees Convocation 2017-18
Convocation 2018
list of Academic Excellence Awards for the year 2016-17
MCM 2nd list 2017-18
DONOR Scholarship 2017-18 1st List
DONOR Scholarship 2017-18 2nd List
FBM 2nd List 2017-18
MCM 1st list_2017-18
FBM Scholarship_First List_2017-18
Inspire Scholarship_2017-18
Recipients Sports Prizes 2016-17
Recipients Sports Scholarships 2016-17
Declaration of Income by Parents Form P
Declaration of Income by Guardian Form G