Department of Aerospace Engineering

Advertisement Number: PRect/IP/DOAD/2021/19

Date: 14-07-2021

Applications are invited for a post of Project Technical Supervisor for project entitled "Flight lab Training Program". The duration of the appointment will be initially for a period of One Year which may be extended depending upon the requirement. The appointment is purely temporary & contractual basis.

Name of the Post: Project Technical Supervisor

No. of Post: ONE (01)

Salary: Rs. 19200-1600-48000

Minimum Qualification: B.Sc.+ 8 years of relevant Experience OR 3 years Engineering Diploma + 8 years of relevant experience.

Job Description
The candidate will be expected to handle the work such as calibration of various sensors and instruments fitted on aircrafts, handle equipment such as FBG sensor, interrogators, amplifiers, transducers etc. He/she is also expected to assist in recording lectures for online sessions and handle various administrative work.

Desirable Qualifications/Experience

  • Working experience in a research laboratory providing technical support for setting up various experiments.
  • Working knowledge of calibration procedures employed for sensors equipped on aircrafts for data acquisition.
  • Experience of handling FBG sensors and interrogators.
  • Experience of handling and maintenance of instruments such as amplifiers, microphones, projectors etc.
  • Candidate should possess excellent communication skills and have good knowledge of using MS office.

The department reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience. Short listed candidates will be informed with an email about the date of interview. The Selection will be based on Zoom/Skype online interview.

Applications in prescribe format (Form no-DOAD-IP-203) along with self attested documents (or by email) should be submitted to Dr. G. M. Kamath, Project Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] on or before 04.08.2021.

Dr. G. M. Kamath
Project Coordinator