Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2021/27
Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the quantum optics and entanglement laboratory of Dr. Anand Kumar Jha at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. The research will be carried under the project "Developing efficient methods for the measurement and characterization of high- dimensional quantum states for photonic quantum information" of the quantum enabled science and technology (QuEST) program of the Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS) division of the Department of Science &Technology (DST), government of India.
Position: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (1 position)
Salary: ₹ 31000 per month + HRA as per institute norms
Essential Qualification: Master's in Physics or B. Tech in Engineering Physics with good academic records with NET/GATE qualified.
Desired Qualifications: Solid theoretical background in quantum mechanics and optics. Should have some research experience with experimental projects in the broad area of optics. Experience with Matlab/Labview softwares and Windown/Linux operating system.
How to apply: A detailed resume should be sent to Dr. Anand Kumar Jha at [email protected]. In addition to biographical information, the resume must contain the detailed information on educational qualifications, research experience, and the names of two references. The reference letters are not required at this point. The short-listed candidates will be called for a presentation/interview over an online meeting platform and will be informed via email regarding the date and the time of the presentation/interview. After the presentation/interview the candidates may be asked to arranged for the reference letters, which should be emailed to [email protected] directly by the references.
Duration: The position is initially for one year. It could be extended up to three years on an yearly basis depending on a satisfactory performance and the approval from the funding agency.
Last date of application: 20th February, 2021
Anand Kumar Jha
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, UP, India 208016
Quantum Optics and Entanglement Laboratory, Old core lab, CL-104E
Ph: (+91)512-259-7014(Off); (+91)962-142-3993(Mobile)
Email: [email protected]
Research group webpage: