Installation of Abaqus 2016 in Microsoft Windows

The procedure below explains how to install & run Abaqus 2016 on Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 64-bit Operating System. The Abaqus 2016 software and documentation is zipped and available for download from CC ftp Site. To download Abaqus 2016 software and documentation for Windows Click Here
Extract the zipped file of Abaqus 2016 documentation and software to Local Drive (e.g. "D:\")

Execute Abaqus : To run or execute Abaqus 2016, Open C:\SIMULIA\Commands\abq_cae_open.bat

Important: In Windows 10, it is mendatory to add command directory path to "PATH" variable. To add path, open run command by pressing " + R" and type "sysdm.cpl", go to "Advance" tab and click on "Environment Variables" and edit "PATH" variable for both "System and User". Click "New" and type "C:\SIMULIA\Commands" and click "OK"

It is mandatory to install the Abaqus 2016 documentation and software in the given sequence.
  • Abaqus Documentation
  • Abaqus Solver
  • CAA Abaqul Solver
  • Abaqus CAE 2016
Go to Abaqus documentation folder and run the setup.exe from
Click on "Next" button.
Click on "Next" button.
Click on "Next" button.
Select "HTML and PDF (recommended)" and click on "Next" button.
Enter your PC name and click on "Next" button.
Select "Abaqus web server(recommended)" and click on "Next" button.
Note: If first options is selected then no other web server service (eg. IIS or Apache) is installed on the target pc.
Select the "Abaqus documentation parent directory" and click on "Next" button.
Click on "Yes" button to create the directory.
If asked, allow the access to "Java" for private network in windows firewall.
Click on "Install" button.
Click on "Done" button.
Now, go to Abaqus 2016 software folder and run the setup of Abaqus Solver from
Click on "Continue" button.

Click on "Next" button.

Click on "Next" button.
Click on "Next" button.

Click on "Install" button.

Click on "Close" button.

Now, go to Abaqus 2016 software folder and run the setup of CAA Abaqus Solver from
Click on "Next" button.

Click on "Next" button.
Click on "Next" button.
Click on "Install" button.
Click on "Close" button.

Now, go to Abaqus 2016 software folder and run the setup of CAA Abaqus Solver from
Click on "Next" button.

Choose the installation directory (Default path is recommended) and click on "Next" button.
Specify the location of Abaqus Solver installation and click on "Next" button.
Provide the target location for CAE command directory and click on "Next" button.

Select "SIMULIA FLEXnet" as type of license server, specify the license server details ([email protected]) and click on "Next" button.
Note: To Run Abaqus 2016, Campus Network connectivity in required.
Add DNS Suffixes if IP address is "Static". To configure DNS Suffixes Click Here

Click on "Next" button.
Specify the default Abaqus working directory (eg. "C:\temp") and click on "Next" button.
Click on "Install" button.

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This site maintained by Windows Labs Administrator
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This page was last modified: 15 May 2014 04:17 PM