The Chemistry department carries out several outreach activities for the benefit of the community outside IIT Kanpur. Some of these activities include camps for school students, short training courses for external students/faculty, and demonstration experiments for visitors. These activities help the department stay connected with the local community and also showcase its merits to the outside world. Some of the recent outreach actvities are listed below:
- RSC Yusuf Hamied Chemistry Camp : February 14-16, 2025: In this camp, about 100 children from 9th Standard in Govt schools in Uttar Pradesh stayed at IIT Kanpur and performed various Chemistry experiments under expert guidance of RSC instructors and student tutors from IIT Kanpur. Additional activities such as campus tours, movie screenings and guest lectures completed the activities. The camp was sponsored by the Yusuf Hameid Foundation. For the camp poster, click here. For the camp schedule click here
- The Department, jointly with INSA and CSRI Kanpur-Lucknow organized a lecture for children from various schools in Kanpur belonging to 8th-12th Class. Professor Uday Maitra from Department of Organic Chemistry, IISc Bangalore showed some chemistry experiments and explain science behind it. This outreach activity was conducted in L-07 (Lecture Hall Complex), IIT Kanpur on 07th (Saturday) September 2024 at 3.00 pm. Details can be found here
- NTS Nurturance Camp: January 4-8, 2023. A 5-day camp for 12th standard students who are awardees of the National Talent Search Scholarship of NCERT, from different parts of North India to enhance their capabilities and showcase IIT Kanpur facilities and provide career options. Details here
- RSC - Salters Camp : November 30 – December 2, 2018: During this camp, about 60 children from 9th Standard in Govt schools in Kanpur stayed at IIT Kanpur and performed various Chemistry experiments. The experiments were conducted in new core labs under expert guidance of RSC instructors and student tutors from IIT Kanpur. In addition, the children went around the campus attended an invited seminar. The camp was sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry through the Yusuf Hameid Foundation. For information about the schedule of the program, click here .
For more information about Outreach programs, contact Madhav Ranganathan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )