Rolling Advertisement 2025-001
Special Recruitment Drive 2025-001 Advertisement DF-1-2025
Rolling Advertisement 2024-001
Special Recruitment Drive for Women for Faculty Positions Advt. 2023-001 DF-1-2023. Last date: extended from 30th April 2023 till 15th May 2023
Special Recruitment Drive advertisement 2022-001 (DF-1-2022)
Advertisement-No-DF-1/2021- (Special-Recruitment-Drive-for-SC-ST-OBC & PwD), Last date: 25th October 2021.
Cancellation of the advertisement published for Scientific and Design staff position (DF-2/2019)
Advertisement No DF/1-2019 (Regular faculty recruitment)
Advertisement No DF/2-2019 (PRE for SCDT)
Advertisement No DF/3-2019 (Special Recruitment Drive Advertisement for SC-ST-OBC-PWD)