Heat Treatment - BOOKING STATUS

Confirmed Booking

User Date Month Year Slot Temperature Duration Atmosphere Remarks Email
govind30420199.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m80 degreecelcius1 hournormaltest[email protected]
govind30420199.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m80 degreecelcius1 hournormaltest[email protected]

Reservation Pending

User Date Month Year Slot Temperature Duration Atmosphere Remarks Email
SUSHEEL PANDEY054202102.30 p.m to 05.30 p.m1000 & 55030 Min & 4 hrInert gasSolution treatment and Precipitation treatment[email protected]
SUSHEEL PANDEY06420219.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m1000 & 55030 Min & 4 hrInert gas Solution treatment and Precipitation treatment [email protected]
SUSHEEL PANDEY064202102.30 p.m to 05.30 p.m1000 & 55030 Min & 4 hrInert gasSolution treatment and Precipitation treatment[email protected]
govind07220209.30 a.m to 12.30 p.mtesttesttest123[email protected]
govind072202002.30 p.m to 05.30 p.mtesttesttest123[email protected]
Saikat Mandal2312201902.30 p.m to 05.30 p.m800 degree c5Normal atmosphere5Heat the sample till red-hot condition[email protected]
Gaurav Upadhyay2712202202.30 p.m to 05.30 p.m580*C2 HoursInert Gas MediumIn order to develop Mg/CNT Nano-Composite, 18 sampgauravupadhyay2688@g
govind27420199.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m80 degreecelcius1 hournormaltest[email protected]
govind304201902.30 p.m to 05.30 p.m80 degreecelcius1 hournormaltest[email protected]