Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering (SPASE)

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

1. PhD. Course Structure Click Here

2. MTech. Course Structure Click Here

Details of courses

Note: The suffix M to any course code implies modular (half-semester) course

5-credit courses

SPA624M: Optical Instrumentation Laboratory

SPA627M: Introduction to fluid mechanics in space

SPA629M: Introduction to Geology: Measuring the Heartbeat of a Planetary Body

SPA631M: Statistical Methods and Applications in Space Sciences

SPA632M: Introduction to Mathematical Transforms and Applications in Space Sciences

SPA633M: Key concepts in Astrobiology and Space Biology

SPA635: Study of compact objects using real space data (Astrosat)

SPA636: Radio instrumentation, observing techniques and data analyses

9-credit courses

SPA 402: Introducon to Manmade Satellite System and its Environment