Global CO2 emission has touched ~40 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, and despite all the talk about net zero CO2 emission, the rate of CO2 emission is expected to stay at the current level for few more years. While role of solar, wind, hydro/waves, hydrogen etc. (perhaps nuclear as well) is acknowledged, current energy need, and proposed GDP growth of developing countries could not be achieved without ensuring implementation of CCUS. CCUS is essentially a three-step process, i) Capturing or separating the CO2 from its associated gases, ii) Transporting the captured, relatively purer CO2 (from step-i) to the utilization site where part of the CO2 could be processed for its utilization, and iii) Majority of the CO2 which could not be converted (in step-ii) has to be transported and sequestered for geological timescale. Thus, amount of CO2 utilized or sequestrated is directly proportional to the amount of CO2 captured. CO2 capture technology has to become robust, and sustainable with time, this presentation would briefly explain the challenges in adaptation of this technology at larger scale.
Rajnish Kumar, FRSC is a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Madras. Prior to that he
has served as senior scientist at CSIR-NCL, and research associate at National Research Council, Canada.
His PhD is from The University of British Columbia, Canada and has research interests in gas hydrates, carbon
dioxide capture & sequestration, process development and scale-up. Rajnish is the most recent awardee of
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for his contribution to engineering science. Rajnish is also a recipient of NASI –
Scopus Young Scientist Award in Chemistry for the year 2016. More recently in 2020, Rajnish received Dr. YBG
Verma Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Teaching at IIT Madras. Rajnish is one of the editors or
in editorial boards of a few journals including, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Energy & Fuels,
ACS Engineering Au, & Scientific Reports
Late Prof. Chetput Venkatasubban Seshadri was a distinguished Indian chemical
engineer. He started his academic career as an Assistant Professor of IIT Kanpur in
1965 and later became a full professor. Prof. Seshadri was also the Head of the
Chemical Engineering Department of IITK. He took on administrative position by
serving as the Dean of Students Affairs at IITK. Prof. Seshadri left IITK in 1974 to join
Kasturi Paper Food and Chemicals Ltd., Bangalore, where he set up India's first fodder-
yeast plant. In 1976, he joined the Shri A. M. M. Murugappa Chettiar Research Center
in Chennai as its founder Director. It was at this Research Center he helped develop
several appropriate technologies, including Spirulina Algae. For this effort, he was
awarded the prestigious Jamnalal Bajaj award for S&T for rural development in1981.
Prof. Seshadri earned his Doctorate from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh & later worked as a Research
Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His friends fondly remember him as someone who could
mould ordinary people like a potter into good scientists. Friends, relatives & well-wishers of Late Prof. C. V.
Seshadri set up Prof. C. V. Seshadri Memorial Distinguished Lecture Series under his name. The lecture Series is
conducted by the Department of Chemical Engineering.