A five day online training course for polytechnic teachers of government colleges of UP has been initiated by Startup Innovation and Incubation Center (SIIC) at IIT Kanpur on 22nd November, 2021. The session is organized with the aim to enlighten the polytechnic teachers with the knowledge of Challenges and Opportunities before youth in the present and post COVID situations focusing on the Digital empowerment and skills enhancements. The virtual event was inaugurated by Prof. B. V. Rathish Kumar, Head Centre for Continuing Education, IIT Kanpur wherein he emphasized the urge for the up scaling of skills in the current scenario and further added that he is looking forward for such exploring and learning opportunities in future. The five day short term course is being joined by 89 lecturers from different polytechnic colleges across the state and the same is coordinated by Prof. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay (Professor in charge Innovation & Incubation) and Mr. Ravi Pandey from SIIC IIT Kanpur. This programme is curated with interesting and interactive sessions with industry partners, faculty members at IIT Kanpur and directors of incubated startup companies at SIIC IITK. The short term course scheduled from 22nd to 26th November 22, 2021 is designed to provide an understanding on how the sudden pandemic outbreak challenged the education system, and put some light on growth and opportunities post COVID for the startups, the course is also designed with suggestions for academic institutions on utilizing the opportunities associated with digital platforms. |