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Department of Aerospace Engineering
Guide: Prof. Sanjay Mittal
Research Topic
Air Intakes are one of the major components of any aircraft engine. It contributes uniquely to the generation of thrust. In any application subsonic transport or supersonic fighter the air intakes are essentially a fluid flow duct whose task is to ensure the engine functions properly to generate thrust. Buzz is a self-excited diffuser instability and it involves periodic filling and discharge of the plenum chamber, complex shock boundary layer interaction, shear layer/slip stream boundary layer interaction, transient shock movement and flow separation. It adversely affects the mass flow entering the engine and may lead to combustion instability, engine surge and flame out.
V M Krushnarao Kotteda, Sanjay Mittal, “Viscous flow in a mixed compression intake”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2011; 67:1393–1417.
V M Krushnarao Kotteda, Sanjay Mittal, “Stabilized finite element computation of compressible flow with linear and quadratic interpolation functions”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2014; 75; 273-294.