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आईआईटी कानपुर ने शुरू किया ई-मास्टर्स पाठ्यक्रम
संचार प्रणाली के क्षेत्र में काम कर रहे पेशेवरों के लिए आईआईटी कानपुर ने शुरू किया ई-मास्टर्स पाठ्यक्रम, अंतिम तिथि, 3 जून 2022
IIT Kanpur’s soil testing device launched in market
IIT Kanpur’s soil testing device launched in market
IIT-Kanpur, dir inaugurates Govind Hari Singhania Centre
IIT-Kanpur, dir inaugurates Govind Hari Singhania Centre for Advanced Learning and Robotics Club
IIT Kanpur develops haptic smartwatch for visually impaired
IIT Kanpur develops haptic smartwatch for visually impaired
Interview: ‘Keep broadening the horizon,’ says IIT Kanpur director
Interview: ‘Keep broadening the horizon,’ says IIT Kanpur director
आइआइटी कानपुर की कंपनी ने निकाला थर्माकोल का विकल्प, कृषि अवशेष से बना रही पैकेजिंग बाक्स
आइआइटी कानपुर की कंपनी ने निकाला थर्माकोल का विकल्प, कृषि अवशेष से बना रही पैकेजिंग बाक्स
IIT Kanpur To Revolutionize Water Purification Process With New Patent
IIT Kanpur To Revolutionize Water Purification Process With New Patent Win In Collaboration With MIT, USA
ढाई साल बाद न्यूयॉर्क, शिकागो व सेन फ्रांसिस्को जाएंगे आईआईटी के प्रोफेसर
ढाई साल बाद न्यूयॉर्क, शिकागो व सेन फ्रांसिस्को जाएंगे आईआईटी के प्रोफेसर
SIIC IIT Kanpur Signs MoU With Defence Innovation Organisation
SIIC IIT Kanpur Signs MoU With Defence Innovation Organisation, Ministry Of Defence To Support Research And Innovation Among Startups
No respite from heat in upcoming days, nights to get hotter: Study
No respite from heat in upcoming days, nights to get hotter: Study
IIT-Kanpur alumnus donates Rs 1 crore for lab upgradation
IIT-Kanpur alumnus donates Rs 1 crore for lab upgradation
IIT Kanpur to Lead One of The Three ICMAPs by DST, Govt of India
IIT Kanpur to Lead One of The Three ICMAPs by DST, Govt of India
IIT-Kanpur, IIM-Lucknow launch joint accelerator programme
IIT-Kanpur, IIM-Lucknow launch joint accelerator programme
IIT Kanpur’s annual cultural fest, Antaragni starts from today
IIT Kanpur’s annual cultural fest, Antaragni starts from today
IIT कानपुर को 100 करोड़ रुपये देंगे पूर्व छात्र राकेश गंगवाल
IIT कानपुर को 100 करोड़ रुपये देंगे पूर्व छात्र राकेश गंगवाल
IIT-Kanpur professors develop bone regeneration technology
IIT-Kanpur professors develop bone regeneration technology
IIT Kanpur’s Techkriti’22 Explored New Horizons In Technology
IIT Kanpur’s Techkriti’22 Explored New Horizons In Technology And Business Eco-System With The Presence Of Nobel Laureates Et Al
6G तकनीक से देश को रूबरू कराएगा IIT कानपुर
High Speed Internet के लिए 6G तकनीक से देश को रूबरू कराएगा IIT कानपुर
आईआईटी कानपुर : वार्षिक तकनीकी और उद्यमशीलता उत्सव टेककृति के 28वें संस्करण की हुई शुरुआत
आईआईटी कानपुर : वार्षिक तकनीकी और उद्यमशीलता उत्सव टेककृति के 28वें संस्करण की हुई शुरुआत
IIT Kanpur, Citi and T-Hub select 29 startups
IIT Kanpur, Citi and T-Hub select 29 startups for Social Innovation Lab by Citi
IIT-Kanpur makes nano-adsorbent for treating water
IIT-Kanpur makes nano-adsorbent for treating water
Automatic composting machine developed by IIT Kanpur-incubated startup
Automatic composting machine developed by IIT Kanpur-incubated startup
IIT Kanpur and Ordnance Factory Medak jointly develop India’s first(SRS)
IIT Kanpur and Ordnance Factory Medak jointly develop India’s first Soft Recovery System (SRS) in bid to make India’s defense system self-reliant
IIT Kanpur develops Novel Nanoparticles for disease and rice crop protection
IIT Kanpur develops Novel Nanoparticles for disease and rice crop protection
Prof. D Yadav memorial T20 cricket tournament
IIT Kanpur is organizing a Second Prof. D Yadav memorial T20 cricket tournament
Engineering colleges trying for language parity
Engineering colleges trying for language parity
IIT-Kanpur team scouts locations for study on Delhi pollution
IIT-Kanpur team scouts locations for study on Delhi pollution
Watch: From land records to criminal database; blockchain
Watch: From land records to criminal database; blockchain, an answer for better recordkeeping
India needs holistic vision for growth in all sectors: Piyush Goyal
India needs holistic vision for growth in all sectors: Piyush Goyal
Public Policy and Opinion Cell IIT Kanpur
Public Policy and Opinion Cell IIT Kanpur
Creating techno-managers for Industry 4.0
Creating techno-managers for Industry 4.0
With 100% placement record to its credit, IIT Kanpur
With 100% placement record to its credit, IIT Kanpur MBA Program invites applications for the academic year 2022-23
MBA कार्यक्रम के लिये आईआईटी ने मांगे आवेदन , प्लेसमेंट का बना चुका है रिकार्ड
MBA कार्यक्रम के लिये आईआईटी ने मांगे आवेदन , प्लेसमेंट का बना चुका है रिकार्ड
Sun Pharma Science Foundation Research Award-2021
Dr Bushra Ateeq is professor of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering (BSBE) Department of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur.
National Girl Child Day Celebration Of Udghosh
Kiran Bedi Graced The National Girl Child Day Celebration Of Udghosh, IIT Kanpur
ESummit’21 का 21 से 23 जनवरी तक ऑनलाइन आयोजन
IIT-K कर रहा है ESummit’21 का 21 से 23 जनवरी तक ऑनलाइन आयोजन
IIT में डिजाइन, अंतरिक्ष विज्ञान और खगोल विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में दो नए विभागों की स्थापना
IIT में डिजाइन, अंतरिक्ष विज्ञान और खगोल विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में दो नए विभागों की स्थापना
RBI working paper
Banking stocks react positively to Basel norms implementation over 18 years period: RBI working paper
IIT Kanpur files a record-breaking 107 IPRs in 2021
IIT Kanpur files a record-breaking 107 IPRs in 2021
IIT Kanpur launches medical innovation challenge Hridyantra to develop advanced artificial heart
IIT Kanpur launches medical innovation challenge Hridyantra to develop advanced artificial heart