Dean, Academic Affairs


Professor Ashoke De 

Dean, Academic Affairs 
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 
Kanpur 208016

203 Academic Affairs Building
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Phone: +91-512-259 7674


The office of the Dean of Academic Affairs (DOAA), called the Academic Section, is responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken on academic matters by the Senate, the Senate Under-Graduate Commitee (SUGC) and the Senate Post-Graduate Commitee (SPGC). The office


  • receives, processes and maintains all records related to the undergraduate programmes including curricula, courses offered, academic calendar, registration, leave, examinations, grades and award of degrees,

  • disseminates information pertaining to all academic matters,

  • issues necessary memoranda/orders, and

  • acts as a channel of communication between students, instructors, departments/interdisciplinary programmes and SUGC/SPGC. The under graduate (UG) and post graduate (PG) offices of the Academic Section assist the SGUC/SPGC and its subcommittees in their tasks.


Associate Dean, Academic Affairs


Professor Abheejeet Mohapatra
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur 208016


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Phone: +91-512-259 6559 (Off.) 





The roles and responsibilities of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, as approved by the Board of Governors, are appended below:


  • Coordinating between UG Section, PG Section and the OARS Section.

  • Maintenance and upgradation of digital infrastructure in DOAA Office.

  • Coordinating with the DOAA Module of Pingala.

  • Coordinating UG/PG parts of the Dual Degree Programme.

  • Processing M. Tech and PhD thesis evaluation.

  • Reviewing major financial proposals.

  • Coordinating Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF).

  • Coordinating National Academic Depository (NAD) work.

  • Coordinating maintenance and updating of Courses of Study.

  • Any other responsibility as deemed appropriate from time to time.


Other Officials


Joint Registrar


Mr. M. K. Diwakar

Joint Registrar
Room No. 202, Academic Affairs Building,
IIT Kanpur
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Phone: +91-512-259 7288 (Off.) 

Assists the Dean (Academic Affairs) by coordinating the entire work related to Academic Section. 


Assistant Registrar


Ms. Avanti Yogesh Joshi

Assistant Registrar
Room No. 201, Academic Affairs Building,
IIT Kanpur
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Phone: +91-512-259 2333 (Off.) 

Assists the Dean and Joint Registrar by supervising and monitoring the entire work related to Academic Section. 


Please contact the following based on the requirement for a speedy resolution.

  • First, contact your department office to know the status of any requests, letters, applications, leave-related queries, rules, procedures, etc. Please contact the DUGC and DPGC conveners of your department for academic-related matters.

  • If unresolved, please send an e-mail on following E-mail IDs based on the requirements.

  • Please visit DOAA office during 3-4 PM on working days if required.

PG Related Matters




Issues related to registration

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SPGC related/Academic leave related request

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Travel related/Any other issues

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Plagiarism prevention desk (Thesis Processing Cell)

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M.Tech and their Thesis Processing (All departments)

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MS-Research, M.Des, MBA and their Thesis Processing

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Ph.D Desk-1

Thesis Processing and PhD related work of BSBE, CHM, CGS, ECO, HSS, MTH, ME, PHY

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Ph.D Desk-2

Thesis Processing and PhD related work of AE, CHE, CE, CSE, DES, ES, EE, IME, MSE, MSP, NET, PSE, SEE, SSA

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MSc & MSc-PhD related issues

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Leave module related in Pingala portal

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Admission/Withdrawal related issues

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FARE Related Matters




FARE related request

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UG Related Matters

Concern Person and Issue



Mr. Rohit Patel
Dual Degree M.Sc. (up to Y22)

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Mr. Anubhav Arya
Y21 (BT/BS), No Dues and RTI

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Mr. Piyush Bajaj
Y22 (BT/BS) and Misc. enquiries

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Ms. Priya Jaiswal
Y23 (BT/BS), Non-Degree and SUGC

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Mr. Suresh Gupta
Y24 (BT/BS)

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Mr. Atul Shukla
BT/BS - Y18, Y19, Y20, Degree-Dispatch

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Mr. Rohit Patel
SUGC related, registration and other queries

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Certificate Related Matters (UG and PG)




Transcripts, Grade sheets, Winter and Summer NOC, medium of instructions, CPI to percentage conversion, Duplicate grade-sheet, Bona fide certificate, pass out Bonafide certificate, Verification of Degree and/or certificate, Misc. Certificate etc. issuance related requests

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OARS Related Matters




Course Templates & Timetables- Entry and Verification

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Online Academic Registration (Pre-registration & Add-drop)

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7020/ 6867

Course Aliases

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Student Feedback Survey

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Examinations Scheduling (Mid & End Semesters)

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Grade Portal and Submission of Grades

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Student’s No-dues Related

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The goals of the postgraduate programmes at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur are: The development of scientific and engineering manpower of the highest quality, to cater to the needs of industry, R & D organizations and educational institutions, a broad grasp of the fundamental principles of the sciences and scientific methods, a deep understanding of the area of specialization, an innovative ability to solve new problems, and a capacity to learn continually and interact with multidisciplinary groups. Above all, the students should have a capacity for free and objective enquiry, courage and integrity, awareness and sensitivity to the needs and aspirations of society. With these goals in view, the postgraduate programmes are designed to include courses of study, seminars and project/thesis through which a student may develop his/her concepts and intellectual skills.

The procedures and requirements stated in this manual embody the philosophy of the postgraduate education and ensure a high standard of performance at the Institute. Within this general framework, subject to the approval of the Senate Postgraduate Committee (SPGC), the various departments and programmes may impose such additional requirements as will serve their particular academic goals.

The institute offers various postgraduate programs, including M.TECH, MS, M.Des, MBA, VLFM, DIIT, Ph.D., M.Sc. (2-year), and M.Sc. - Ph.D. Dual Degree.

Admission to this programme may be made directly based on the GATE scores of the candidates and performance in the qualifying examination, and in addition, some of the candidates may also be called for written tests and/or interviews. The Senate Postgraduate Committee (SPGC), established according to the bylaws of the Senate, operates through the Departmental Postgraduate Committees (DPGCs) to administer all aspects of the above programmes. 

For detailed information about all post-graduate programmes, please refer to PG manual (Link)

For any queries related to the above please contact section-in-charge Mr. Radha Saran Satsangi at pgdesk[AT]


Mr. Radha Saran Satsangi

Phone: 0512-2596516


Mr. Ravi G Vishwakarma
(Sr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2597199


Mr. Niraj Pandey
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2596120


Mr. Utkarsh Singh
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512- 2594877


Mr. Shubham Yadav
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2596120


Mr. Rakesh Kumar
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2592107


Mr. Divya Prakash
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2592107


Mr. Ankit Upadhyay
(Dy. Proj. Manager)

Phone: 0512-2597199


Mr. Anshul Soni
(Sr. Proj. Associate)

Phone: 0512-2597044


Mr. Deepak Soni
(Project Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2594877


The objectives of the undergraduate programmes are:

  • to provide the highest level of education in technology and science and to produce competent, creative and imaginative engineers and scientists,

  • to promote a spirit of free and objective enquiry in different fields of knowledge,

  • to make a significant contribution towards the development of skilled technical manpower, and

  • to create an intellectual reservoir to meet the growing demands of the nation.

The undergraduate programmes are designed to achieve these objectives and to inculcate in the student concepts and intellectual skills, courage and integrity, awareness of and sensitivity to the needs and aspirations of the society. The institute offers the following under graduate programmes:



  • MULTIDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMMES: Admission through Branch/Programme Change option by existing enrolled studentsBACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (B.TECH.)



For detailed information about all under-graduate programmes, please refer to UG manual (Link)

For any queries related to the above please contact section-in-charge Mr. S. K. Shah at skshah[AT]


Mr. Rohit Kumar Patel
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2597669


Mr. Anubhav Arya
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2597669


Mr. Atul Shukla
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2594743


Mr. Piyush Bajaj
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2596864


Ms. Priya Jaiswal
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2597669


Mr. Suresh Kumar Gupta
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2597669


The academic session of the Institute is divided into three parts: two regular semesters and a summer term. The first semester will normally commence in the last week of July every year, and the second in the first week of January. The summer term will run from the middle of May to the middle of July.

The admissions to the M.Tech/M.Des/M.S. by Research and Ph.D. programmes may be made in either or both of the two regular semesters. Admission to the D.IIT. programme may be made once in a year but in either semester. The Head of the Department concerned may take the decision in this regard. Admissions to MBA programme are made once a year in the first semester.

Admissions to the M.Tech/M.Des/M.S. by Research and Ph.D. programmes are normally made in April-May for the first semester and in November-December for the second semester. Admissions to the MBA program are normally made in March-April. The Dean of Academic Affairs will notify the admission calendar each semester.

In addition, the department may process applications for admissions to Ph.D. Programmes on a continuous basis and admit students as per the existing procedure. The candidates admitted during the course of a semester, would be required to register for thesis with proportionate reduction in credits.

For any queries related to the above please contact section-in-charge Mr. Atul S Kushwaha at admissiondesk[AT]


Mr. Atul S Kushwaha
(Sr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2592414


Mr. Amarnath Sinha
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2592403


OARS stands for Online Academic Registration System. OARS Section helps the DPGC/DUGC conveners, course instructors, students, department staffs and UG & PG Sections at DOAA office to facilitate the following:

  • Maintenance of course templates online

  • Timetable scheduling

  • Online registration at Pingala/OARS

  • Conducting of Student Feedback Survey (SFS), processing and printing of SRS reports

  • Examination Scheduling (Mid semester and end semester)

  • Submission of grades and announcement of result to students

  • Printing of degree certificates, grade sheets, transcripts etc.

  • Management of online student dues clearance system

  • Coordinating with the different development teams for development & maintenance of online application software at academic office

  • Posting of various circulars and notifications at our websites

For any queries related to the above please contact section-in-charge Mr. Amardeep Singh at oars_office[AT]


Mr. Amardeep Singh
(Jr. Superintendent)

Phone: 0512-2596867


Mr. Pramod Kumar Rawat
(Proj. Manager)

Phone: 0512-2597020


Mr. Saurabh Gupta
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2597020


Mr. Mohd. Azeem
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2597020


  • Providing support in the process of allotting the classroom's in LHC.

  • Biometric attendance of students as per their course requests and also maintain the attendance records of students.

For any queries related to the above please contact section-in-charge Mr. Alok Katiyar at alok[AT]


Mr. Alok Katiyar
(Sr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2594901


Mrs. Veenu Mishra
(Sr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2592431


Mr. Rahul Mishra
(Jr. Assistant)

Phone: 0512-2594902


For detailed information about all e-Masters programmes, please refer to website