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The Senate Post-Graduate Committee (SPGC) consists of one of representative from each of the academic departments and interdisciplinary programmes who, must be the Convenor of the respective post-graduate academic programme committees and six additional members of whom one is the retiring Chairperson (if not otherwise a member), and four are students, two each from Ph.D. and M.Tech./M.Des./MBA/M.Sc.-Ph.D. dual degree programmes and nominated for the purpose by the Students' Senate.. The SPGC has jurisdiction in the following matters concerning the post-graduate (including M.Sc.-Ph.D. degree) programmes of the Institute:
The functions of the SPGC consist primarily of general policy determination, coordination and review, but, the Senate retains the power of final review and decides such matters as may be appealed to the latter. In discharging of its responsibilities, the SPGC shall make full use of the appraisals and recommendations of the various academic departments/programmes concerned. The SPGC is assisted by the department/programme post-graduate committees (DPGC). Each department/interdisciplinary programmes (approved by the Senate) have a department/programme post-graduate committees (DPGC) consisting of a Convenor nominated by the Head of Department (HOD) in consultation with faculty of department, the HOD and a minimum four and maximum of eight faculty members chosen by the departments, and two students one from the Ph. D. and other form the M.Tech./M.Des./MBA/M.Sc.-Ph.D. dual degree programmes. If M.Tech./M.Des./MBA/M.Sc.-Ph.D. dual degree programmes does not exist, both shall be from the Ph.D. programme. The student members is chosen by department/programme post-graduate students of one year. Tenure of the faculty is two years, half of them retiring each year. The student member does not participate when the cases or academic evaluation of individual students are being considered, although the students opinion might be sought prior to taking any decision.
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