Electron Microscopy Lab
Location: ACMS 112
Instrument: Electron Probe
Model/Supplier: JXA-8230;JEOL.
This is a W/laB6 based EPMA with four channels for WDS analysis along with an EDS detector. EPMA is the most accurate technique for micro-composition analysis. Both standard and standardless analyses are possible in point, line or area scan modes. Elemental mapping with high resolution can be done with both WDS and EDS techniques. Quantitative analysis of all elements from B to U is possible. |
� laB6 gun provides the best combination of beam stability and resolution.
� Range of elements:B to U.
� Accelerating voltage:0.2 to 30kV.
� Probe current:10-12 to 10-5 nA.
� Probe current stability:+/-0.05%/h.
� SE Image Resolution:5nm
� WDS wavelength detection:0.087 to 9.3nm
� Four channels ensure fast analysis for multicomponent alloys and minerals
Convener: Prof. K. Kulkarni ([email protected]) | Internal:6102 |
Lab Incharge: M.Siva Kumar ([email protected]) | Internal:6292, 6293, 6294 |
Lab Staff: Parikshit Yadav ([email protected]) | Internal:6284,6293 |
Lab Staff: Uttam Kumar Pramnik([email protected]) | Internal:6284,6293 |
Instrument : Tungsten-Electron
Model/Supplier: JSM-6010LA;JEOL
This is a compact SEM for the quick image analysis with high resolution and compositional information. The integral EDS detector can be used for micro-compositional analysis. |
� BSE Resolution:5mn at 20kV� Magnification:5x to 300000x
� Accelerating voltage: 0.5 to 20kV
� Automatic SEM condition set-up based on sample type
Instrument : FEI
Model/Supplier: Quanta 200
This is a state of the art SEM from FEI for extensive image analysis with high resolution and compositional information. The integral EDS detector can be used for micro-compositional analysis. |
* SE Resolution better than 2.0 nm at 20kV.* Magnification:5x to 500000x.
* EDS and EBSD detector for quantitative analysis.
* Supports biological and polymeric samples.
Convener: Prof. S. Shekhar ([email protected]) | Internal:6528 |
Lab Incharge: M.Siva Kumar ([email protected]) | Internal:6292, 6293, 6294 |
Lab Staff: Uttam Kumar Pramnik([email protected]) | Internal:6284,6293 |
Lab Staff: Parikshit Yadav ([email protected]) | Internal:6284,6293 |
How to book slots
SEM slots can only be booked online in three steps.
Click the link "Request Slots" and fill in the details as requested. You can select an empty
slot upto 1 month in advance and only for week days. You can check the availability of slots
using the module "Check Slot" or you can check "Booking status" to see all the slots which have
already been taken.
Once you submit the request, an invoice will be generated. Please submit this invoice to Mr. M.
Siva kumar (Ph. 6292) within 48 hours. If you do not submit within this time lime, your slot
will get automatically cancelled and will be open for booking again.
Lab-in-charge will then accept your booking and you can check your status at "Booking status".
Please note that we will soon make this procedure paperless, but until then you will have to
submit the paper invoice.
Following slots are available to users:
Slots for W-SEM 9.30 to 11.30 11.30 to 1.30 2.30 to 4.30 | Slots for EPMA 9.30 to 12.30 2.30 to 5.30 |
Non-IITK Users:
1. The online booking is valid only for IITK users.
2. Non-IITK users need to send an email to Mr. Sivakumar ([email protected]) with details of the
sample. Users are responsible for proper preparation of their sample. Once we are satisfied that
your sample is ready and suitable for our EM, we will book a slot for you and convey you the
date and time and the charges for the slot. Please see "User
Charges" to get an estimate of the charges for utilizing the facility.
3. Non-IITK Users must send in advance, a Demand Draft, in favor of "Registrar, IIT Kanpur" for
the requisite user charges (inclusive of service taxes, 12.36%)
4. If you have an urgency and you want to get your samples characterized on a speedy basis, then
you may be allowed to come along with your prepared sample and the demand draft. However your
must confirm with Mr Sivakumar ([email protected]) before coming here to the facility.
EM Accessories:
Instrument: Carbon Sputter Coating Unit Model/Supplier: JEC 560;JEOL |
Instrument: Gold Sputter Coating Unit Model/Supplier: JEC 3000;JEOL |
Instrument: Optical Microscope with Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Imaging Capability Model/Supplier: Carl Zeiss GmbH |
Instrument: Plasma Cleaner Model/Supplier: JEOL EC-52000IC
Convener: Prof. S. Shekhar ([email protected]) | Internal:6528 |
Lab Incharge: M.Siva Kumar ([email protected]) | Internal:6292, 6293, 6294 |
Lab Staff: Uttam Kumar Pramnik([email protected]) | Internal:6284,6293 |
Lab Staff: Parikshit Yadav ([email protected]) | Internal:6284,6293 |