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Booking for Powder Size Characterization lab Instruments

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Powder Size Charaterization Facility

Location: ACMS-101B

Instrument: Particle Size Analyzer
Model/Supplier:Fritsch Gmbh, analysette 22

The "analysette 22" laser particle sizer is used for determining particle size distribution of solids or drops in a liquid or gas (suspensions, emulsions, or aerosols). Particle size is calculated by measuring the angle of light scattered by particles as they pass through a laser beam. It is ideal for especially efficient particle size analysis - in production and quality control as well as in research and development or for controlling manufacturing processes. Laser diffraction analyzer is used in many applications, including manufacturing, quality control and product development.

1. Measuring range: 0.1 μm - 25 μm (smallest range) &
                               10 μm - 1250 μm (largest range)

2. Analysis Method: static light scattering (laser diffraction)

3. Type of analysis: Dry analysis (for powder), Wet analysis (Wet measurement of particle size of solids, suspensions and emulsions)


Convener: Prof. Anish Upadhyaya ([email protected]) Internal:7672
Lab InCharge: Mr. Jai Kishan ([email protected]) Internal:7624