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Booking for Nano-Indentor with in situ SPM

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Booking for Universal Hardness Testing Machine

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Indentation Lab

Location: ACMS #112

Instrument: Nano-Indentor with in situ Scanning probe Microscopy(SPM)
Model/Supplier: TI 750; Hysitron Ltd.

(i) Nano-Mechanical Testing System with modules mapping capability;
(ii) Nanotribology studies (e.g. scratching at different loads, wear volume, coefficient of friction)
(iii) Assay of coating lifetime
(iv) Loss and storage modules and damping measurement
(v) Indent and wear track imaging.

Instrument: Instrumented Micro-Indentation
Model/Supplier: Micro Combi Tester; CSM Instruments

For Vickers and Rockwell micro-hardness testing from ambient temperature to 450DegreeCelsius .

Location: ACMS #108A

Instrument: Universal Hardness Testing Machine
Model/Supplier: FH-10; Tinius-Olsen Ltd.

For bulk hardness measurement using Rockwell, Brinnel, Vickers Indentor.


Convener: Prof. K Balani ([email protected]) Internal:6194
Lab Staff: Mr. Rupesh Kumar Sharma ([email protected]) Internal:7963