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Booking for Optical Profilometer

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Optical Profilometry Lab

Location: ACMS 110

Instrument: Optical Profilometer
Model/Supplier: Bruker Contour GT-K

This Optical Profilometer are interference microscope used for accurate surface profiling measurements. It measures height variations such as surface roughness,coating or film thickness, step height,wear volume and other along with high- resolution image in 2D & 3D. This profilometer comes with dual-LED illuminated optical module with available objective 2.5X, 20X,50X and capable stitching with motorized XY stage. Max. scan range up to 10mm with vertical resolution <0.01nm.


Covener: Prof. Kantesh Balani ([email protected]) Internal:6194
Lab Incharge: Mr. Rupesh Kumar Sharma ([email protected]) Internal:7963
Staff: Mr. Puneet Kumar ([email protected]) Internal:6906