Live Cell Imaging Lab

Confirmed Booking

User Date Slot Remarks Email
Piyush Dey03/01/202502.30 p.m to 05.30 p.mCells fixed on slide[email protected]
Niranjan Chatterjee06/01/202502.30 p.m to 05.30 p.mCell samples[email protected]
Piyush Dey09/01/202502.30 p.m to 05.30 p.mFixed cells on slide[email protected]
Niranjan Chatterjee10/01/202502.30 p.m to 05.30 p.mTissue sample[email protected]
Niranjan Chatterjee13/01/202511.30 a.m to 01.30 p.mTissue sample[email protected]

Reservation Pending

User Date Slot Remarks Email